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2024 Nantucket Garden Club Daffodil Show Awards

Best Standard Daffodil in Show—Ann Sanford Bowl—Kitty Pochman

Best Miniature Daffodil in Show — Laird V. W. Williams Award – Mark Budaj

Best Collection of Five Cultivars – Jean MacAusland Award – Mary Malavase

Best Pink Daffodil — Sandra Palchanis

Best White Daffodil — Sandra Palchanis

Best Youth Daffodil — Helene Whitehead Award – Cassidy O’Brien

Most Blue Ribbons Youth Division — Michael Konetchy

Best Collection of 3 Stems of one cultivar — 25th Anniversary Award – Mary Adams

Sconset Trust Award – Sandra Palchanis

Most Blue Ribbons in a Novice Class – Ruth Plandowski

Best Historic Daffodil — Mark Budaj

Best Classic Daffodil Single Stem — Mark Budaj

Best Adult Photograph — Caroline Tucker

Best Youth Photograph — Evelyn Heise

Best in Show Photograph — Mary Jo Beck

 Special Nantucket Garden Club Awards

 Most Creative Arrangement–Mary Armstrong Box–Bridget Forth

 Most Colorful and Dramatic Flower Arrangement–The Jean MacAusland Ivory Easel– Marissa Dunn

 Best Youth Flower Arrangement–Helene Whitehead Award–Evelyn and Abby Heise